1 Month Since Gotcha Day

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Kostusiak Family Photo

I had high hopes for this post.

I wanted to tell y’all that she’s sleeping 13 hours each night…except last night she was awake from 1:30am to 4:30am and I’m too exhausted to “smell the roses” this morning.

For the most part, she’s sleeping well. She is eating more and more, but still devours noodles and rice congee if I make it for her.

I still can’t get her to drink any milk, but she will at least take a few sips of rice milk and she LOVES yogurt…and I’m fairly certain she’s gained almost 2 lbs in the last month so I’m not really worried about it.

She willingly ate chicken last night and loves Chick Fil A chicken nuggets so we are starting to get a little protein in her.

She’s adjusted to the dogs and the boys really well.

She tolerates Dave and even let’s him hold her as long as she can see me.

We were at a friend’s house yesterday for a few hours. After an hour, she started wandering the house alone and going up to other people and trying to interact. She would still come back and grab my leg (home base?) every 10 minutes just to make sure I was still there, but that was a huge step.

Maddi 1 Month Later

Tomorrow we will find out the results from the MRI (or at least what they were able to get). She’s got more testing scheduled for November 25 and that will be in the actual hospital with anesthesia. Those will tell the doctor’s exactly what needs surgery and then we’ll be able to get that scheduled.

All in all, I feel that she’s adjusted pretty well. I’m having a few issues myself because I’m not used to having a toddler attached to me at all times. The house is a mess and I’m falling further and further behind in things I need to get done, but she seems happy (most of the time) and secure so that’s what’s important.

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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