14+ Stuffed Animal Organization Ideas

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My kids love stuffed animals. You can tell by the amount of stuffed animals we have lying on the floor. Each one has a name and a story to go along with them.

Some days Baby Harp Seal tags along to all of the events throughout the day. On other days Baby Apatosaurus gets to join in the fun. But on everyday, it is guaranteed that you will find all of their friends everywhere you look. On the dresser, covering the floor, and all over the bed.

I have tried to compromise with my kids to downsize their stuffed animal collection, but it never works. They are just too attached to the critters. Finding stuffed animal organization ideas was the only way to go. After all, it won’t be long before they will go about their day without any “babies” by their side.

14+ Stuffed Animal Organization Ideas - Stuffed animals can take over the house if you don't have a way to contain them. Try one of these ideas to help keep the peace.

Stuffed Animal Organization Ideas

  1. Revolving Shoe Tree Stuffed Toy Storage: This is a great idea to organize all of those stuffed animals, especially if there is one just sitting around the house.
  2. A Fancy Bird Nest: With some tulle and ribbon you can make this fancy perch for stuffed animals of all kinds.
  3. Stuffed Animal Storage Zoo: Cute way to make a cage for all of your kiddo’s favorite animals to live.
  4. Stuffed Animal Swing: This adorable stuffed animal organizational idea also doubles as a decoration.
  5. DIY Under Bed Storage: There is a lot more you can store under your bed than stuffed animals.
  6. Stuffed Animal Chairs: Think of a bean bag and replace the beans with stuffed animals! You will find a free pattern to print and make one of your own.
  7. Garden Wall Planters: Love this idea. Use a few wire wall planters to keep those stuffed animals up and out of the way. With a little bit of spray paint, you can match any color.
  8. Boon Animal Bag: These stuffed animal bags are a great way to keep all of those animals organized.
  9. 10 Minute DIY Stuffed Animal Holder: With some ribbon, clothes pins, and a few other supplies that are laying around the house, you can make a super cute stuffed animal holder.
  10. DIY Toy Box: This super easy DIY toy box gives you an adorable way to hide away stuffed animals.
  11. Hanging Shelves: Make a space to display your stuffed animals with the use of fabric, O rings, and a piece of wood. What a great idea.
  12. Fabric Storage Boxes: This stuffed animal organization idea is a great way to customize your storage solutions.
  13. Upholstered Bucket Ottoman: These ideas keep on getting better and better. This idea puts galvanized buckets to great use. So creative!
  14. Crate Storage Shelf: Very simple, but effective way to display and store stuffed animals.

I love all of these ideas, but I think my favorite is an indoor hammock. That way they are up and out of the way, but still completely visible so the kids can still see their friends.

What stuffed animal organization ideas do you use in your home?

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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