15 Ways to Reduce Your Ecological Footprint

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15 Ways to Reduce Your Ecological Footprint

When you become a parent, your world view changes immediately.

You start to think about making sure that you make the world a safe, healthy place for your children and their children…and so on.

You start to worry about chemicals in the foods you eat…and feed your children.

You start to worry about the messages that are being shown in the media.

And you start to take action to do what little you can to reduce your ecological footprint and leave the world in better shape than you found it.

According to the 2013 EcoFocus Study, 73% of moms actually would be considered EcoAware Moms.

As EcoAware moms, we’re always looking for ways to reduce, reuse and recycle so I ‘thought I’d suggest a few that I try to do.

 15 Ways to Reduce Your Ecological Footprint

1. Eat local, organic and in season foods as often as possible or even grown your own.

2. Join in on Meatless Monday campaign.

3.  Use non-toxic cleaning supplies.

4. Keep your car in good working order and use it as little as possible.

5. Use compact fluorescent light bulbs.

6. Choose energy efficient appliances.

7. Choose green electricity ( we use Green Mountain)

8. Buy used or recycled products and new products with limited packaging.

9. Use cloth diapers.

10. Weatherproof your home.

11. Bring your own reusable bags when you shop.

12. Pack your lunch and use reusable containers.

13. Find out about the recycling program in your city and participate 100%. (We have single stream which rocks!)

14. Pick up trash you see on the ground.

15. Use reusable bottles for your water and buy milk in a carton instead of a jug.

There are a million little ways that we can teach our kids to take care of the Earth.

I found some fun craft projects that you can do with your kids to upcycle some household products.

What do you do with your kids to reduce your ecological Footprint?





Disclosure: This is a sponsored post on behalf of Emerse Suppliers and ChooseCartons.com. All opinions are 100% mine.

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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