2012: Year in Review

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Image © Graphics Factory.com
Image © Graphics Factory.com

At this time of year, everyone is setting goals for the next year, but I think before I do that I’d like to look back at 2012 and see how I did.

Personal:  I lost 18lbs in 2012! I had gained 30lbs with the last two pregnancies, so I still have some work to do. With the help of a nutritionist and a gluten-free diet I was able to get a good start this year. I joined a gym and go sporadically, so there’s some room to grow for next year. I celebrated my 5th wedding anniversary which is a big deal.

Family: In July we began our journey toward adoption and completing our family. We have completed all of the preliminary paperwork and are hoping to have our dossier to China with in the next 6 weeks. I started home schooling the boys and have seen them really take some big leaps educationally. Both boys are potty trained and I no longer have to buy diapers (at least for a few months.)

Organization:  I started out the year by really following the schedule the The Fly Lady  has set up and using the Home Routines App.  So what do I still do: I wipe down the bathroom at least every other day, keep the kitchen sink clean, vacuum and dust each Monday and do 1 load of laundry each day. I really need to get back into her routine of cleaning because that made me feel like I was actually keeping up with it, where as not having a routine makes me feel like I’m not!   I did manage to clean out the new baby’s room and get rid of all of my maternity clothes and all of the 2T and under boy clothes, so that was a big step towards cleaning out!

Craftiness: I got a Silhouette Cameo and started getting into cutting vinyl. I try something new each week and have a lot of fun. I’ve even made things for other people and not been embarrassed by my creations!

Business:  My SimplyFun business really took off in 2012 with the help of my team and my coach, Lynsey Jones, The Party Plan Coach. I went from having 1 team member to now having 43 people in my down line and was at the  Team Leader level for 6 months. I earned 4 full ride tickets for my family to Disney World for my son’s 3rd birthday. I have decided to take a step back from that business and focus on my online pursuits..this blog and some of the affiliate programs that I work with. I will still remain a part of SimplyFun, but it’s going to be online only.

All in all it was  a good year…anything was better than 2010 and 2011. I have HIGH hopes for 2013 though and I hope you’ll come along for the ride!

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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