2013: Personal & Family Goals

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Our last family picture before we'll be a family of 5
Our last family picture with Santa before we’ll be a family of 5..no he’s not a pirate

Earlier this week I started writing a post with my goals for 2013. It looked like it might get a little wordy…so I decided to turn it into a series.

This post will include personal and family goals. (I was going to put crafty goals with this too, but once you read the rest of the post, I hope you’ll understand why I decided to wait.)


  • Lose 10-15 lbs
  • Stick to the gluten-free diet

These two kind of go hand in hand. After my 2nd son, I managed to lose all the baby weight that I had gained (which was A LOT). Then I got pregnant with our 3rd child. I lost that pregnancy at 16 weeks, but retained the 10lbs that I had gained during it. Then I got pregnant with our 4th child. That pregnancy was terminated at 21 weeks when we discovered that he had Trisomy 18 and had zero chance of survival. I’d gained 18 lbs with that pregnancy and the loss and sadness added with the wreckage on my body of having back to back pregnancies that were not completed seemed to have triggered some bigger issues in my body. I started seeing a nutritionist and in 2012 was able to lose 18 lbs by following a gluten-free diet. I’d like to lose the rest of the baby weight before our new baby comes.


  • Weekly game nights
  • Adopt a baby girl from China

With all the drama the last 2 years have brought us, we’ve had a hard time remembering what normal life is like. I’d like to work on spending quality time together where we’re unplugged and focusing on doing something fun together. I spent the last year helping other families do just that with my SimplyFun business, but now I’d like to take a step back from that and focus on using those amazing games to connect with my own family and friends.

When we lost those two pregnancies, I knew immediately that I wanted to adopt, but the healing process took a while longer for my husband. At the end of this month, our dossier (translated as massive amount of paperwork that we spent a mother load of money compiling) will be sent to China and we will be eligible to be matched with a baby girl. (You can follow the whole process on our Adoption Timeline or this post about specifically where we are in the process.) I’m scared and excited all at the same time! This could happen in the next few weeks or in the next few months, but it will happen this year! I’m certain of it!

I have put a lot of personal information out there on Facebook and in this post. I hope you understand that I do this purposely. I want to be open about my struggles, so that others who have suffered a loss know that they are not alone. They can see that they can talk to me and that there is life on the other side of loss.

Thank you to all of you that supported me through those times.

I hope that you will be around to share the happy ones coming in 2013!






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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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