30 Days of Fun – Preschool #10

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preschool-activities Well, it was another rainy day here in Central TX so I had to get creative…again!

Today you will need: one pudding cup (or bowl of pudding) for each child, a paper plate, a spoon and LOADS of paper towels!

I emptied the pudding cups onto the paper plates….it was helpful to use some that had a rim so the pudding stayed on the plate.  Then I smoothed it out all over thedraw-with-pudding.jpg plate using the spoon. I gave it to the boys and let them have at it! At first I asked them to work on drawing different letters that I said, but then we moved on to numbers and finally to mammoths (they’re in to Ice Age these days). Don’t forget to use the spoon to smooth the pudding back out after each picture so they can start with a fresh “palette.”

write-with-puddingThe boys really liked this because it was something different where they got to play with their food! I will admit that it took a bit of time to convince Baby that he couldn’t just eat the pudding, but must actually play with it first. Plus I had to do an extra load of laundry after this activity!

Funny story…I spoke with my MIL yesterday and she said that she had found this blog from a link I posted on my personal blog (I know, you must be thinking “This blog isn’t personal?”). She mentioned that she liked it, but didn’t think it was something she’d really follow…being almost 81 yrs old! We joked about her husband doing the grapes and toothpicks activity from Day 5.  I can’t wait to hear about them playing with their pudding after today’s post!

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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