30 Days of Fun – Preschool #11

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preschool-activities Today Mommy needs a break from all the creativity! It’s hard work! ;P

Let’s take some time to honor the great Maurice Sendak who passed this week.

I wouldn’t hesitate to say that probably his most famous book was Where the Wild Things Are. In this book the little boy, Max, gets in trouble and is sent to his room without dinner. While he’s there, he takes a “trip” and meets some interesting creatures.

Maurice Sendak also wrote the Little Bear books which were some of my favorite first readers. But I what I discovered, while preparing for this post, was that he illustrated one of the Mrs. Piggle Wiggle books titled Mrs. Piggle Wiggle’s Farm. I remember my step-mother reading me Mrs. Piggle Wiggle books during the summers when I stayed with them. They are fun and silly and definitely worth a read! Try them out as bedtime stories!  Your kids will thank you!

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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