30 Days of Fun – Preschool #15 – Squishy Baff

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Boo Boo got a present for his birthday, back in Feb, that I thought was a little too adventurous for me.

I have a friend who loves to get in the mix with her kids and doesn’t mind things getting dirty…that’s not me though. So when he opened this present, I must admit, that we kind of hid it. But he found it and wanted to play it, so today’s activity was with something called Squishy Baff Bath Kit (Colors Vary)


Squishy Baff is a powder that is non-toxic and environmentally safe.

You pour the whole packet into the bathtub full of water and it turns it to goo! Yep, green slimygoo! (Actually I think you can get it in any color.)

Since I’m not so adventurous…and didn’t want to have to clean the bathtub…we just put some of the powder in a sink full of water. And, yep, as promised, it turned it to goo! Boo Boo thought this was VERY cool, but Baby was not going to touch it if I paid him. I admit, I played in it some with Boo Boo. It was kind of slimy and, well, gooey! Boo Boo probably stood there for 30 minutes playing in it before I told him it was time to stop.

When you’re done, you put a second packet of powder in the goo and mix it around and it turns the goo back into a kind of watery substance that goes right down the drain. It took a bit of time to get it all to dissolve, but it did go away and wasn’t too big a mess to clean up.

I’ll have to thank my adventurous mom friend for helping us have a new experience with goo!


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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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