30 Days of Fun – Preschool #2

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betweencoffeeandwine.net I hope y’all had fun with the marble activity from yesterday. I know my boys did and since that was their first real experience with marbles we thought we’d do something with marbles again today!

Today we used our toes to pick up marbles and count them as we put them in a bowl. Boo Boo, who is 4, had no problem with this, while Baby, who is 2.5, couldn’t do it. Well, he held the marble to his foot then dropped it in to the bowl which worked well until he forgot to hold up his foot and slammed it in to the bowl sending www.play2learn.commarbles every where (and dogs chasing after them trying to eat them)!

This is a good activity for counting on. I told them they had to put 15 marbles in their bowls.  I stopped them a couple of times to see how many they had and, if they’re ready, you can ask them to tell you how many more they need. Also you can have them switch feet and talk about using the right or left foot and even try to cross the midline by putting the bowl on the left side and have them use their right foot to put the marble in the bowl.

betweencoffeeandwine.netThis activity is good for using those toes muscles and trying to command those piggies.  They have to be able to do a number of things in this activity: hold something with their toes, lift their leg, move the leg to the side, drop the marble in the bowl and count at the same time! That’s a lot to think about for growing brains!

Have fun!

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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