30 Days of Fun – Preschool #20

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preschool-activitiesTonight I decided to get out the dominoes. I thought the boys would have fun matching them and building with them.

Of course…I couldn’t find them! But I did have a game called Turtlemania (which will be massively on sale on June 3-4). Turtlemania is like mahjong and has lots of tiles…which is why I thought it might work as dominoes, but…it didn’t. Feeling a theme with tonight’s activity.

Anyway, there are lots of ways to match the tiles just like with dominoes. It turned out to be a good visual discrimination activity because there are some tiles that initially looked the same, but were actually slightly different. We spent a good 20 minutes just sorting and matching the tiles. Then they wanted to start building with them. I wish that we could have built a domino like structure and then knocked it down and watched them fall, but we may have to try that later. They did have fun building and the only reason they had to stop was because it was bath time.

So try digging out your dominoes and exploring!

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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