30 Days of Fun – Preschool #21

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preschool-activitiesAre you looking for a cheap way to increase your children’s book library in your home?

Have you heard of PaperBack Swap?

PaperBack Swap is an online community where you can post any books you own in your home that are in good condition. Then people can request these books from you. You mail the book to the person who requested it and then you get 1 credit. You can use this credit to request a book from someone else. You can request any book you can think of. Yes, it does cost you the price of postage, but then when you request a book, it costs that person the price of postage so it all evens out in the end. But when you’re children out grow the book…you can re-post it and exchange it for something more age appropriate!

It’s really a great service and much better than selling your books to Half Priced books and only getting pennies for them. Dig out those books you’ve already read and trade them in for books your kids might like!

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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