Today we worked on Potty Training Baby…which means I tried to come up with some activities that kept us outside for a bit.
First, we got out the sidewalk chalk and tried to draw things on the driveway. My kids are too worried about doing things perfectly, instead of just trying, so that didn’t work so well. I did try to trace Boo Boo, but I basically had to hold him down to do it. Then he wanted me to put in all the insides…bones and organs, which went WAY beyond my capabilities. So we moved on to bubbles. I dug up two bottles of bubbles that had been in the garage for a while…and yep, neither worked. So that didn’t last long.
Then we found an old sprinkler that was a caterpillar that I bought for Boo Boo when he was a baby. (He just chewed on it back then and I think it never got used for what it was meant to be used for.) We waited for Daddy to finish mowing the lawn and then we went out back and hooked up the sprinkler. They had never run through a sprinkler before (they aren’t really too fond of water) so this was a new experience for them. They loved it! Baby kept saying “I close my eyes.” and then he’d run through. Boo Boo was soaked, and wanted to wipe his face off after each time he went through.
Then Mommy got tired and we had to come inside.
On the potty training, Baby did really well. He went poopy in the potty first thing this morning and said, “That’s the biggest poopy I ever seen!” Then he got excited! A few hours later he figured out how to get the pee-pees in the potty. He had no accidents after 2pm so I’m going to call Day 1 a total success. And considering how we’re still working with Boo Boo on the whole issue (tried a few different meds and seeing a urologist with no luck), I’m excited that this was such an easy day for Baby!
So today…try digging through your garage and see what fun you forgot about!