30 Days of Fun – Preschool #24

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preschool-activitiesYesterday was Memorial Day (I know I’m falling even further behind on my 30 Days of Fun…but I’m still posting) and we happened to just be sitting around watching TV (and watching Baby because although he’s doing well with potty training, you still have to watch him non-stop).

Anyway, Live with Kelly came on…I don’t usually get to watch tv in the morning because Mickey is on, so this was a rare treat!

Kelly and Mark had a lady on who was going through some fun back yard games that were easy to make and I thought y’all might enjoy them too! They bobbed for apples, filled 2 liter bottles with water for backyard bowling, tried to catch a donut on a string, and a few more fun things. You can check out their videos and instructions here.

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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