30 Days of Fun – Preschool #26

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preschool-activitiesI’m so sorry! I have been ignoring my blog and I feel really guilty about it! Our wireless has been dying so things are really slow and I just haven’t had the patience to sit and wait for things to load! BUT…I will do it today!

Last weekend we went cabin camping at a Yogi Bear Jellystone Park in Waller, TX. I was a little worried, but the boys had a great time. They got to have a few firsts…first time camping some where other than the living room, first time going down water slides and the first time playing putt-putt. They had sooo much fun!

One of the ladies that we went with shares my Pinterest obsession. She found very cool activity called Marshmallow Shooters over at Come Together Kids blog. betweencoffeeandwine.netBasically, you take a plastic cup and cut the bottom off. Then you tie a knot in the end of balloon and cut the bottom off that. Put the balloon over the cup, put a mini marshmallow in it, pull and shoot! The kids had lots of fun trying to shoot marshmallows at each other and they go a surprisingly long way if you do it right!

Try it out, but remember…be sure to save some to eat too!

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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