30 Days of Fun – Preschool #4

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betweencoffeeandwine.netBaby, Boo Boo and I have spent the last 2 nights in a hotel.  This means we’ve had little sleep, no down time for Mommy (boo) and lots of shushing to be quiet , stop running  and hopping and jumping. So this got me thinking about an activity we could do to try and use up some of this kid energy.

Animal Races!

My kids love animals and they’ve spent a fair amount of time pretending to be one or another kind of animal the last couple of days. (My  favorite was when Boo Boo was walking around the room last night flapping his “wings” with his eyes closed pretending to be a bat…because they’re nocturnal and he didn’t want to go to sleep.) so why not incorporate this love of animals into a fun game.

It’s kind of like red light, green light. Have the kids line up and you stand a ways away. When you call out different animal names, they must pretend they are that animal and move as that animal moves. For example, they must hop when you say kangaroo or run fast when you say cheetah or go slow when you say turtle. You may want to practice some animal movements before you start so one elephant isn’t running faster than the others. Then the first one to get to you wins! Actually they all win because they are learning about animal movement and getting some exercise!

Hope your kids find this as fun mine do!

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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