30 Days of Fun – Preschool #5

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betweencoffeeandwine.netIt’s time we got to play with our food!  Grapes to be exact!

Give the kids a big bowl of grapes and some tooth picks and help them make shapes, animals, letters and anything their little brains can imagine. My kids, of course, made animals. They really enjoyed this activity! They ate a lot of grapes as they sat at the table for at least 30 min. trying to figure out different ways to make animals.  We did have some trouble with the giraffe…it kept falling over so we just said it was taking a drink of water. When they were finished, they had me put their “animals” back in the fridge and asked for them at breakfast the next day.

Grapes and toothpicksI found this fun snack activity over at Craftoart.com. Those kids made some really cool things!Grapes and toothpicks


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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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