30 Days of Fun – Preschool #7

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betweencoffeeandwine.net Here we are on day 7 of our 30 Days of Fun – Preschool Edition! If you’ve missed the first few days, please check them out.  We’ve been having some fun!

This has been a challenge for me because I’ve been traveling and now trying to catch up from traveling and a busy weekend, but this is forcing me to be creative and to spend some time finding one activity a day that may challenge my children and provide them with some good old fashioned fun!

Today we made a marble maze.  We found an easy one to make on Momtastic with a box, straws, glue and scissors.

I started by cutting the top off of a box.  Then I let the boys help me cut straws into different lengths to use “in the maze.” I, personally, used a hot glue gun, but I’mmarble-maze sure you could use just plain old glue to stick the straws to the box at different points to create the maze. Cut a hole at the top and one at the bottom (for entry and exit points) and let them have at it!  (You could also do this with Legos.)

I must admit that I initially tried to do this project with Legos. I got my kids all excited. We took everything up to get the Legos and then discovered we didn’t have a flat Lego piece that was big enough to create the maze with. So then I switched to the box idea, but my kids were already excited about Legos and completely ignored me while I built the maze. Then they each did it one time and went back to playing! I’m hoping that I can get more interest tomorrow!

Hope this one works out better for y’all than it did for me!


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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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