30 Days of Fun – Preschool #8

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preschool-activitiesToday we wanted to go back to the clothes pins, since we’d made a special trip to the store to get them, so I figured we should use them a few times!

We went fishing for “worms” today…which is kind of appropriate on a rainy day.

Supplies: yarn cut into different lengths (I cut 20 “worms” total from 2 different colors of yarn), clothes pins and a bowl to collect the “worms.”

First separate the “worms” and put them out on the table. Then have the kids “fish” for them with their clothes pins.  They must open and close the clothes pins to clothes-pins-yarncatch the “worms” and then do it again to release the “worms” in to the bowl.  When they’re done, have them count how many they caught.  You can also ask them to find the biggest and the smallest “worm” and compare the “worms” different lengths.

My boys liked this one…Boo Boo caught 16 “worms” and Baby caught 4. And…as predicted…they got up this morning and asked for the marble maze from yesterday!


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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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