30 Days of Fun – Preschool #9

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preschool-activities Today is BALLOON day!

We filled up two balloons with air and gave them to the boys and let them play with them in the house. Then we filled up two balloons with water and went outside. water-balloon-activitiesWe talked about how the balloon with air in it was light and hard. While the balloon with water was soft and heavy.

We attempted to play catch with the water balloons, but I’m guessing you know what happened there….they fell on the ground and popped.  They took it better than I thought they would. I got them each a new one and we ran around in the backyard for a while while holding the balloons.  (We played Red Light, Green Light. I just wanted to see if they could run while holding the balloons….and, I admit, I wanted to see what they would do if they fell.)

fun-with-balloonsThen we came inside and back to the air balloons. They are currently running around bopping the balloons up in the air and screaming. It’s amazing how much fun a balloon can be!

This activity helped me realize that they need some more work on catching…but maybe we’ll try a bean bag for that. I also realized today that they are looking forward to these daily activities.  Boo Boo said, “What activity are we going to do today?” while I was trying to blow up the balloons. Glad to know they are enjoying them!

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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