30 Days of Fun – Preschool Edition #3

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betweencoffeeandwine.netToday let’s have some fun with language and art together.

Grab a piece of printer paper and some crayons and sit down with your preschooler. Tell them that today we’re going to draw some pictures together while we tell a story. You go first and draw a picture of an animal/human/monster…what ever you want the story to be about…and say “Once upon a time there was a …” just say one sentence. Then let your preschooler draw one thing and say one sentence about the picture. If he/she is having trouble coming up with something, suggest a tree or sun or something to suggest setting. Try to continue this back and forth drawing/telling until you have a problem and a solution. If it’s only your sentences that’s fine, eventually as you continue to do this regularly they will understand story structure and the stories will improve. Be sure to recap the story at the end using your picture clues. Put a date on it and hang it on the fridge where you can see if he/she can remember the story in a few days.

Let me know how it goes!

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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