National Baking Soda Day: 400+ Uses for Baking Soda

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I had sooo much fun with National Sangria Day  that I thought I’d look for more random holidays…and guess what I found?

National Baking Soda Day!

It kind of makes sense with New Year’s coming…you want to clean stuff and start the year of fresh and what better way to do that than with baking soda…right?

Celebrate National Baking Soda Day: 400+ Uses for Baking Soda

400+ Uses for Baking Soda

I went looking for some ideas of things to do with baking soda…and there were a TON.

It’s used for everything from splinter removal to ant repellent…and all the stuff in between:

  • splinter removel
  • home cleaning
  • tooth whitening
  • shampoo
  • making ornaments
  • antacid
  • exfoliate
  • body care
  • deodorizing
  • produce wash
  • laundry detergent
  • science experiments
  • ant repellant

There were soooo many posts about what to do with this stuff that I did kind of a round up or round ups and found over 400 uses!

43 Uses from Cupcake Apothacary

101 Uses from The How To Crew

34 Uses from Popsugar

36 Uses from Thank Your Body

53 Play Ideas with Baking Soda & Vinegar

15 Ways to Clean Your Home

50 Uses from Beauty and Bedlam

70 Uses in Home & Garden

25 Ways to Clean from The Country Chic Cottage

11 Simple Cleaning Recipes + Printable from Clean Mama

18 Uses from Mom’s Favorite Stuff

Follow my Natural Remedies board on Pinterest for more ideas!

Natural Remedies Pinterest Board

Happy Cleaning!

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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