5 Bike Safety Tips from My Kids

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With school getting ready to start, I asked my kids to give me some bike safety tips to remember when riding their bikes to school.

Here’s what they told me:

1. Wear a Helmet

Bike Safety Tips - Wear a Helmet

2. Walk Your Bike Across the Street

Bike Safety Tips - Walk Your Bike Across the Street


3. Watch Where You’re Going

Bike Safety Tips - Watch Where You're Going


4. Fall into the Grass

Bike Safety Tips - Fall in the Grass


5. Use a Bike Lock

Bike Safety Tips - Use a Bike Lock


Be sure to talk with your kids about these and other bike safety tips. We have a ton of kids that ride and walk to school and loads of construction and distracted drivers. Best to teach them to be aware from an early age.


WordLock Parenting Council


Do your kids ride their bike to school?

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This post is part of the Wordlock Parenting Council program. We received this Spiderman lock as part of this program. You can find other Marvel locks here.

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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