5 Things I Wish I’d Known at 20

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This article was written as part of the Blog Forward 2014 Challenge Program by ZonePerfect.

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Do you ever think, “Man I wish I had time for…” or “I wish I’d studied that in college instead of this.”?

I got to thinking the other day that now that I’m “in my forties” with young children and absolutely NO time for myself I wish I’d prepared myself a little better for my current life.

I think I did a fairly good job of navigating my 20s, but now that I look back there are a few things I wish I’d done differently that would make life a HECK of a lot easier today.

5 Things I Wish I'd Known at 20

Looking Back

1. The internet is going to be HUGE so learn how to code. I remember computer coding classes in high school and email and the internet being new when I was in college. I even took a class where we saved every thing on floppy disks. Over the years I have taken some computer/web design courses offered at my job or online, but had I known that it would be such a large part of my daily life (and that I could have made some serious money with it over the years) I think I should have taken the time to learn more…at least enough that it didn’t take me hours to figure out how to do simple things.

2. Take some business courses. Along the same lines, I should have taken more business courses. I tried to go back and do just that about 10 years ago, but by then it was just too hard. I’ve always wanted to have my own business and I think that I would be much further along now had I learned some of the basics to start with.

3. Learn Mandarin. It’s going to come in REALLY handy one day! LOL

4. Have more fun and don’t be so serious. I was always very independent, very focused and probably a little too cautious. Don’t get me wrong…I had some fun in my early 20s…esp those 4 years I lived in San Antonio! But I wish I had a little more care-free attitude towards life and took things a less seriously…and could pass that on to my children now.

5. Establish healthy eating and exercise routines. In my late 30s I discovered that I have a genetic condition that slows my ability to deal with toxins. Had I known about this earlier, I maybe could have saved myself some pain over the years, by starting some better vitamins then. I also would have established better routines..which are soooo hard to establish now when I have no time for myself.

Blog Forward Nutrition Tips

So instead of continuing to look back, I think I’ll take this advice and look forward. I still have my goal of losing 20lbs by the end of May. I will begin by using the ZonePerfect Blog Forward Nutrition tips and focus on getting healthy and teaching my kids to be healthy so they can establish the right nutrition and exercise routines now…before life gets out of control for them too!

Anything else you’d tell your 20 yr old self?

P2L Signature Disclosure: As part of this program, I received free product. All opinions are 100% my own.

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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