5 Uses for Bentonite Clay

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Bentonite Clay is made from the ash of volcanoes, most popularly the volcanoes found in Benton, Wyoming. This clay was used many, many years ago as a healing remedy. It was meant to protect the body from disease.

Whether putting it on their skin or ingesting Bentonite clay, older civilizations found many great properties in this clay. Take a look at how you can incorporate Bentonite clay into your daily life.

5 Uses for Bentonite Clay

5 Uses for Bentonite Clay

Treating Dry Skin

Mixing Bentonite clay with water creates a paste that can be used all over the body. It makes a wonderful face mask for clearing acne and cleaning pores. Just spread the paste onto your skin and let it dry to its normal flaky state. Bentonite clay also has antibiotic properties that can help the spread of infection when applied topically.

Treat Digestive Problems

Many pregnant women use Bentonite clay to help ease nausea and morning sickness. It is also a safe treatment for IBS or constipation. It is as simple as adding a small amount of clay to your favorite recipe for a cleanse. Be sure to stay hydrated after consuming the clay – if you don’t the clay could settle and cause constipation. Drink a glass of water for every serving of clay ingested. Do not consume more than 1-2 teaspoons of Bentonite clay. Make sure to always play it safe. If you are pregnant, it is a good idea to run this by your doctor or midwife before consuming Bentonite clay.

Replenish Teeth Minerals

Wet your toothbrush and dip it into some ground up Bentonite clay. Brush as usual and pay special attention to problem areas. The clay will draw out toxins from your mouth and gums, and replenish your teeth with minerals that it leaves behind. After brushing, rinse until the water is clear. Avoid swallowing too much, as mentioned above.

Sensitive Skin Deodorant

Bentonite clay can be used as a deodorant, and is especially helpful for those with sensitive skin. It pulls moisture away from your underarms and eliminates body odor. Just dab the powder on your underarms in place of your regular antiperspirant.

Detox Bath

Add 1-2 cups of Bentonite clay powder to your bath water and soak in the tub for about half an hour. It will pull toxins from your body. As it does it may clump on areas of the body where there are many toxins being removed. If clumping happens, just massage it off with a damp washcloth.

Bentonite clay has been used for many years as a remedy for many illnesses and even infections. People are using it in more modern ways.

Have you used Bentonite clay? 

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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