It’s Been 6 Months!

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Hard to believe, but it’s been 6 months since Maddi was handed to me in China. Sooooo MUCH has happened since then.

Honestly, it’s been a rough 6 months, but happily I can report that most days she is doing pretty well.

6 Months Home | Play 2 Learn with SarahLooking Back

1. In China – I blogged every single day that we were in China so that I wouldn’t forget how I was feeling or what was happening. You can read Our Adoption Adventure to revisit that trip.

2. Testing – Almost immediately we started down the testing road to find out what exactly was going on and how it would best be repaired. You can read about the first round of testing here and then her first MRI here. (I say first because she woke up in the middle and refused to cooperate any more. Then she had to go to the actual hospital for testing under anesthesia just before Thanksgiving. That’s when we started to figure out the plan of attack.)

3. Aggressive Behaviors – We really struggled with some seriously aggressive behaviors. The Time Out corner became known as “Maddi’s Corner.” We went and had an OT evaluation (which she screamed through), but then they scheduled her first surgery so that went out the window. I also talked VERY honestly about how difficult bonding was at that point.

4. First Surgery –  On January 22, 2014, Maddi had her first surgery. This one was 11 hours from the time they took her from me until I went back to recovery to get her. They were able to repair all her “plumbing”, but the road to recovery would still be a long one. She did amaze everyone though and busted out of the hospital just 3 days after that surgery. She had to have a catheter for the first two weeks and pain management was a full time job.

5. Amazing Gift – We received an amazing gift – all the pictures that the orphanage had ever taken of her. She entered Maria’s Big House of Hope at 11 days old and left to come straight to me.

6. Turning 2 – Then she turned 2…and had to have a Lego removed from her nose! She’s a busy girl and always up in the boys’ faces, but they really get along very well. She sleeps through the night (most nights), takes a 2 hour nap and eats well. She’s entered a “stranger danger” phase and says “No!” and starts crying if a stranger says hi to her. She no longer scratches and rarely goes to Time Out….which has helped our bonding. She LOVES clothes, shoes, bows and jewelry! My bank account is already cringing!

7. Second Surgery –  Her second surgery has been scheduled for April 30th. She’ll go in the day before for a “clean out.” We’ve been doing twice daily “therapies” which are a FULL OUT death match, but she is ready for surgery and it will all be worth it soon.

Gansta Maddi

On October 14, 2013 she weighed 20lbs and was 30″ tall. Today she weighs 25.5lbs and is 33″ tall. She wears between 18-24 month clothes and size 6 shoes…so I’d say she’s right on target!

She is SUPER polite and says please, thank you and bless you when appropriate. She also says sorry and pats you if she hurts you.

She still lives for apple juice and Goldfish, but usually sucks down any meal…esp Chick-Fil-A chicken nuggets. She doesn’t really have a favorite toy, but she likes to play with bags and food and phones…and Legos.

Other than diaper changes, we really get along very well and she’s settled in. Life is still difficult, but hopefully we get past this next surgery quickly and can then settle in to every day life.

She’ll start preschool in the Fall and I’m sure she’ll love being with the other kids her age again.

Thanks for following our story and check back in a few weeks after surgery!

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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