Recent Posts

Charlie the Ranch Dog

The boys and I decided to stop at Barnes & Noble this morning to see what we could find. As soon as we walked in, we found Mickey Mouse and Dora books with 12 little figures attached to them. ...

Language Experience Stories

Language Experience Stories are a teaching strategy that I have used across all of my careers...teacher of the Deaf/HH, Primary teacher, teacher coach and mom to preschoolers. They allow a group to...

Intention vs Perception

I've had a sneaking suspicion since I started this blog that people don't really understand what I'm trying to do with it.  I haven't made my thoughts about the blog absolutely clear and therefore...

Late to the Party

Although I am late to the party this year, I'd like to let y'all know about the party so that maybe next year (when I'm a famous blogger) we can join in! The ladies over at 5 Minutes for Mom have...

Kevin Henkes

When I taught First Grade I loved to do Author Studies with the kids. It really helps the students to make text to text connections (In this book the character/author does this, but in this other...

Play By the Rules?

Most people play by the rules of games...and I must admit that SimplyFun makes it easy to do this by giving you quick rules so that you can get started right away and then figure out the more...