Goals are just words without a plan.
I can say “I want to lose 20 lbs this year.” But without a clear plan of action on HOW I’m going to actually do that…they’re useless.
My motto for 2014 is “Proactive NOT Reactive.”
I am going to make plans that have actions associated with them so that I am in charge of what happens in my life and not reacting to what life throws at me (which has been a bunch of SH!T in the last 3 years!)
I’ve been researching SMART goals: Specific, Measureable, Achieveable, Relevant, Time-bound.
And I feel that if I make them more targeted and public…I will be more likely to stick to them.
So I have 3 SMART goals for 2014:
Health Goal: By my 42nd birthday (the end of May), I will be fit, healthy and full of energy because I will weigh 135 lbs. I will achieve this goal by exercising 30 minutes 6 days per week and following healthy eating plans. Once I achieve this goal, I will buy myself a new wardrobe full of clothes that actually fit.
Home Goal: I will de-clutter the house by spending 30 minutes each week in the chosen zone for the month: Kitchen, Garage (2 months), Master Bedroom (2 months), Kids’ rooms, Downstairs toys, Upstairs toys (2 months), Closets, Laundry/Office, and Bathrooms.
Business Goal: By the end of 2014, this blog, Play 2 Learn, will average 20,000 page views per month (up from an average 680/month in 2012 and 6300/month in 2013). To do this I will:
- post 1 post each week on the monthly topic: Organization, Parenting, Good Ideas, Spring Cleaning, Gardening, Summer Fun, Crafts, Back to School, Printables, Halloween, Being Thankful, Christmas
- post 1 recipe each week and link it up to 25 different sites
- post 1 Kids in the Kitchen activity/recipe each week and link up to 25 different sites
- post 2 giveaways each month and link them up to 25 different sites
- post 1 kids activity per month – accept guest posts for these
Have you set goals for 2014?