10 Months, Really?
We have officially been on the Waiting Child list with CCAI for 10 months…they told us it would take 6-12 months to be matched.
And we still have no news on our adoption story.
I called a couple of months ago and asked if we were getting closer to the top of the list and I was told no.
I called yesterday…and this time got “there are still quite a few families ahead of you…but lots more behind you.”
Thanks…but that doesn’t really help when my children ask weekly, “When are we going to get our baby sister?”
So we decided to make a few adjustments to our Medical Conditions Checklist ( the list where you say which special needs you are prepared for and which you are not).
We increased the age range from 0-18 months to 0-24 months. This seems like a small change, but hopefully it will give us a little more flexibility. The only issue with this is that our homestudy says we can bring a baby 0-36 months home…so if we get too close to 3 we would have to redo that paperwork and I have no idea how long or how much more money that would be.
We also changed that we would be willing to accept a baby with more than one condition…as long as they are not related. This means a baby with a cleft lip/cleft palate who is also missing fingers on one hand…something like that…where it’s not a syndrome or indicative of a bigger problem.
The lady at the agency said that she felt that this last change may really help since they are seeing more and more babies with multiple special needs.
So, we continue to wait.
Hopefully it won’t be too much longer…thanks for sticking with us!
If you’d like to see the full story you can go here or to see any updates to the story by going here.