Another Rough Day for Maddi

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Poor Maddi had another rough day today. In this picture above, she’s laying on the floor wondering why I’m not feeding her.

She had to go into the hospital, as an outpatient, and have numerous tests done under general anesthesia, but she wasn’t scheduled to be at the hospital until 11:30am and her procedure wasn’t until 1pm…which meant awake without food for the entire morning.

I was NOT happy when they called on Friday to tell me this. But they basically threatened me with “Well, we can’t get her in until the end of February if we don’t do this now.” So we went with it. (I got 14 phone calls on Fri from the 2 doctors’ offices and the hospital!)

Maddi did really well this morning. She wanted food and kept asking for it, but I’ve been working VERY hard with her to get her to not scream for things. She seemed to remember those lessons this morning.

She would repeatedly hand me her pacifier and ask for food or to get in her seat, but then I would say no, put it back in and walk out of the kitchen. She played a little, but was really just kind of sad.

We got to the hospital right at 11:30am like they told us, but they didn’t call us back until a little after 12pm. I was about to yank the passy out of her mouth and set her loose on them by that point.

They got her in and the urologist did her exam right after they put her under. She came and talked with me for a bit after that while they took Maddi to do the rest of the testing (about 2.5 more hours of it).The doctor said she found pretty much what she’d expected…the “plumbing” is wonky. The rest of the testing will tell us how messed up it all is, but she will definitely need not only the colon portion repaired but also the urological.

This means it’s much more complicated and could be a number of surgeries. We’ll just have to wait and see.

The doctor today said that she was going to call in another doctor in her practice, one ironically that we already know because he operated on Connor almost 4 years ago.

Post Testing Haze

Anyway, they called me back around 4:15pm because they were bringing her around in recovery. We made it home by 6:15pm. She was hungry and tired, but never threw up or really complained…although she did seem to have some of the shakes and face itchiness as side effects from the anesthesia, but nothing severe. Hopefully we’ll get the rest of the results before Thanksgiving and we can get the first surgery scheduled. She does seem to be in some pain at times, so we’d like to rush it.

She’s also about to start her second round of antibiotics since we’ve been home…one month today (today she turned 21 months too) so that’s definitely a concern…she can’t continue to be on antibiotics at this rate…2 weeks on, 1 week off.

I’ll let y’all know what else I find out!

Thanks for keeping up with her and for all the positive vibes going her way!

P2L Signature








PS – Just because this post doesn’t really hit the cuteness quota…here are 2 videos I tried to take last week. She’s started asking about Daddy a lot. She’ll sign Daddy and then do that little kid “where?” face. It’s pretty funny. Now she signs “Daddy work” if you ask…doesn’t matter if he’s sitting right next to her.

This first one I tried and tried to get her to do it, but she wouldn’t.

This second one she does it, but then adds a special “Maddi touch” at the end.

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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