Baby Pictures of Maddi

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Since Maddi’s special need was a very medically intensive, she was placed in a special orphanage called Maria’s Big House of Hope, the flagship orphanage for the Show Hope Foundation.

This orphanage was special for many, many reasons…not only did they spoil her…badly…but they also took great care of her.

She entered this orphanage at 11 days old and was brought straight to me from there. She never knew any other home or family. That’s amazing!

I was able to get in contact with someone from this agency within one month of us deciding to adopt her. They could not give me any specific information, but said that after the adoption was final, they would. And here it is…

Maddi 11 days

This first picture is the one that did me in when I first opened the file they sent. She was just 11 days old! This gift is priceless and one we will cherish forever.

Maddi 6 months

Here she is a chubby 6 month old. They obviously worked hard to take pictures of the children on their 6 month birthdays.

Maddi 12 months

Here she is at 12 months. Look at that smirk on her face…that says “I am going to wreak SERIOUS havoc on some unsuspecting people in Texas!”

17 months

I was able to send two care packages to her. The first was sent to the main orphanage. She never lived in this main one, but the rules said I had to send it there. Who knows if she ever received it.

The second I was able to send through the Show Hope Foundation’s medical team that visited last July, but they were never able to tell me if it was delivered. This picture shows it was.

Maddi 19 months

This last picture was taken on the day we left the US to travel to China.

These photos are a small glimpse into her life and development before coming to us. Not many adoptive families receive such a gift.

Are you crying yet?

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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