Baby Signs® Potty Training Kit #Giveaway

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Potty training can be a very rough time in the whole parent/child relationship.

There are bribes, messes, and power struggles. You feel as if your whole life has been taken over by the bodily functions of a toddler. (And toddler poop is A LOT different than baby poop!) You have to remember to pack extra clothes and I even went so far as to keep a Froggy Potty in my car.

In the US, the average age for a child to be potty trained these days is 37 – 38 months. Can you believe that? Can you even begin to calculate how much money that is or how many diapers that means in a landfill for the next 500 years?

In the 1950s, 95% of children were COMPLETELY potty trained by 18 months 

Sounds crazy right, but when you really think about it…this was BEFORE disposable diapers. Parents used cloth diapers that they had to wash themselves. (I used cloth diapers for about 6 months with my first child. We had a service and it was still difficult and messy.)

The creators behind Baby Signs® have come out with a great product, Baby Signs® Potty Training Made Easy. This kit includes a parent handbook with all the tips that you will need for this program, stickers, a lift the flap potty book, a train whistle and a DVD.

The theme of this program is the “Potty Train”. The kids from the Diaper Doodles® get on board the potty train. Each of the 5 babies on the train show how to go potty and model the signs to use for the routine. The DVD is short, sweet and engaging for kids ready to learn about potty training.

The program teaches the 5 main Baby Signs® signs needed for a child to communicate his/her needs whether or not they can speak yet.  They recommend that you start practicing the signs and begin a routine (taking them to the potty when they wake up and before bed) around 12 months.

Whether or not your baby uses signs to communicate, this program will help get you on the right “track” for potty training.

You can also visit for additional free motivational materials or order your own kit by going here.


I really wish I’d known about this program when my kids were potty training. It’s been a terrible struggle for us. That’s why I’m excited to share this amazing program with y’all and offer one of my readers their very own Baby Signs® Potty Training Kit (retail value $39.95). Please enter below. The winner will be announced on January 27th. Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: This kit is being donated by me. I will receive a small commission at no cost to you if you use this link to order a Baby Signs® Potty Training kit.

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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