Baby Signs(R) with Sarah K

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Baby SignsI’m so excited to announce that I am now a Baby Signs® Certified Instructor! This means that I can teach Parent Workshops, Sign, Say & Play classes, Potty Parties and offer story times (for more explanation about those go to ) and offer products to help support them at home (click on the Baby Signs® link on the right side under Shop). I’m so excited to be getting a chance to share such an amazing program with other parents.

When Boo Boo was little we used signs with him. He signed “more” at about 11 months and then proceeded to refuse to sign it again for quite some time! He, eventually, could sign more, please, thank you, drink, eat and it made our lives MUCH easier! I’m also thinking that Baby Signs® will make the transition for our new baby sister much easier.

I have worked out a partnership with the owners of the local toy store Toy Time to use their space for my events and classes! I think this will be an amazing partnership and I hope that I can help them as much as they’ve helped me!

So, starting Thursday, September 20th at 11am we will begin holding a weekly FREE story time at Toy Time! Please come out and read, sing and sign with us and check out an amazing store! Toy Time is located at 101-B Pecan St. W, Pflugerville.

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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