Bee Alert

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0 We got one of the new SimplyFun games, Bee Alert, yesterday. My boys almost have a Pavlovian response to seeing a SimplyFun box…they know it’s filled with fun and must be opened immediately.

Bee Alert is a preschool aged game that helps with turn taking and memory skills. There are 6 different colored bees under 6 bee hives. You turn over a card and it has a bee of one of the colors. If you can remember where that bee is, then you get to keep that bee/hive and take another turn. On the next person’s turn, if they get the same color card, they can steal your hive. So you need to not only remember which hives have which bees, but who has those hives. It’s a lot of fun and kind of like getting a surprise each time you lift up a hive.

Baby really liked it and did surprisingly well…at one point he had 4 hives and I only had 2! Boo Boo got upset and had to be asked to leave the table when I lifted up the hive with the red bee and took it. He thought that one was his and, obviously, needs some work on playing this game without being attached to just one color. If you think about it, that’s a game play skill. In many games, you are that one color through out the game, so this one is a little different.

We really liked this one and will most definitely play it again soon!

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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