Beijing – Day 2

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Today was a pretty long and exhausting day. I think the Great Wall was a bit more than any of us expected!

Group at Great Wall

 Here’s our group before we headed up.

There are 5 groups that are here in the hotel with us touring (a few more not with us right now).

It’s very strange, but out of the 5 families, we are the only ones adopting a little girl!

Great Wall

The Great Wall should be renamed the Great Staircase. It is a ton of oddly sized, ancient stairs that pretty much go straight up. There were tons of people on them and it seemed fairly dangerous at times. The views are totally worth the climb, but definitely not for the faint of heart.

View from Great Wall

Our guide told us that if the Great Wall was in the US, it would stretch from Boston to Seattle!

There were a ton of stink bugs there too. Not sure what that was about.

Cloisonne Factory

After the Great Wall we went to a Cloisonné Factory. Cloisonné are pots made out of copper that are hand painted and decorated to look like porcelain. We ate lunch upstairs from here. It seemed to all be pretty touristy stuff to do, but we enjoyed it.

Chinese Acrobat Show

Next we came back to the hotel for an hour and then were off again through the streets of Beijing to attend a Chinese Acrobat Show. It was very interesting to see all they could do!

Driving in Beijing is crazy. Today we decided that it would be fun to make a drinking game (although no one has any alcohol on them) and drink each time the driver honked his horn. We would have been out of our minds within the first 20 min.

Tomorrow we are up early and heading to Henan to get ready for Maddi! It’s soooo close. We are all getting anxious to get our hands on our babies!

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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