The Benefits of Oil Pulling

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If you have ever wondered if oil pulling is for you, take a look at these benefits of oil pulling. All you need to do is take about a tablespoon of organic, cold pressed oil and swish it around in your mouth. You can use oils like coconut oil and olive oil work great for oil pulling.

Swish the oil around (just like you would normally swish mouthwash) in your mouth and in between your teeth for at least 5 minutes and up to 20 minutes. Do not swallow the oil, as you will be ingesting all of the toxins that have been pulled into the oil. (I recommend spitting coconut oil into a paper towel or something in case you have touchy pipes where it can harden and cause clogs.) Finish up by brushing your teeth afterwards and that is it. Take a look at the many benefits of oil pulling.

The Benefits of Oil Pulling

Benefits of Oil Pulling

Increases Energy

Our immune systems are tirelessly fighting against toxins all day, every day. If you can remove toxins from your body by oil pulling then your immune system will not be using so much of your energy. You will be able to accomplish more every day with your new found energy.

Gets Rid of Headaches

A leading cause of headaches is being under toxic stress. When we have too many toxins in our body they can develop into headaches. It is the body’s way of telling you it needs a break. Oil pulling can help remove toxins and bacteria that can cause headaches.

Improve Oral Hygiene

With periodic oil pulling you can reduce tooth cavities and completely eliminate bad breath. There are countless amounts of bacteria (both good and bad) that call our mouths home. Some of them are big contributors to tooth decay and gum disease. Oil pulling can help keep the good bacteria in charge and improve your oral hygiene.

Clear Skin

Removing the toxins from your body means that they will not make it into your bloodstream and into your capillaries. Keeping your bloodstream clean is vital to keeping your skin clear and free of blemishes and rashes. Oil pulling can help with acne and skin issues often in a dramatically noticeable way.

coconut oil

Oil pulling is one of the oldest ways to rid our bodies of toxins and bacteria. This practice has been around for over 3,000 years. Since it is as simple as swishing mouthwash, why not give it a try? If you test out oil pulling, aim to use the oil between 5-20 minutes once a day. Results vary from person to person but you should give it at least a 7 day trial run before you start to see the results.

Have you tried oil pulling before? 

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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