Book Activities: Alligator Baby #BookaDayinMay

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This is my twentieth children’s book activities post in our new #BookaDayinMay Instagram Challenge that I’m doing with my blogging buddies at and

Book Activities: Alligator Baby #BookaDayinMay | Play 2 Learn with Sarah

Alligator Baby

Alligator Baby by Robert Munsch is a classic silly story that the author is known for.

Kristen wakes up one night to her mother screaming that she’s having a baby. The dad takes her to the hospital, but they get lost and end up at the zoo. Kristen’s mother is fine and they come home with the baby…which turns out to be an alligator. So her parents drive back to the zoo to get their baby. But they come home with a seal pup. So they go back again and come home with a baby gorilla. So Kristen decides to go to the zoo herself to get their baby.

Book Activities

 1. Making Predictions – This a great book to stop before turning the page and ask, “What do you think is going to happen next?” Good readers are always making predictions and then confirming them by continuing to read. Model this for your child.

2. Writing Activity – When I was teaching First Grade, we wrote Robert Munsch letters…and he wrote back! It was awesome! Have your child write him a letter telling him which of his books they like best and why. Send it to: Robert Munsch 15 Sharon Place, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1H7V2

3. Baby Animals – Here’s a fun free printable baby animals pack to help you talk about mommy animals and their babies.

Books by Robert Munsch

Alligator Baby

David’s Father

Stephanie’s Ponytail

(There are really SOOOO many great Robert Munsch books it’s hard to pick just a few.)

#BookaDayinMay Instagram Challenge | Sylvester and the Magic Pebble

Check out yesterday’s book, Surf Sharks, and tomorrow’s book, The True Story of the Three Little Pigs.

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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