Book Activities: Denver Crosses the Creek {Giveaway} #BookaDayinMay

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This is my twelfth children’s book activities post in our new #BookaDayinMay Instagram Challenge that I’m doing with my blogging buddies at and

Book Activities: Denver Crosses the Creek #BookaDayinMay | Play 2 Learn with Sarah

Denver Crosses the Creek

Denver Crosses the Creek by M.B Vajanic is a cute story about an inquisitive lab that gets into a bit of trouble.

Denver’s family lives near some woods and they have one rule – never cross the creek into those woods. One day while her owner is gone and the other animals are sleeping, she sneaks out and crosses the creek. She has a grand adventure, but then discovers that she’s ventured too far and doesn’t know how to get home. She asks a few of the resident creatures for help, but they send her further off course. Eventually one of them helps her and she thinks she’s been able to sneak out without anyone noticing, but she forgot one thing.

This book has a nice underlying message about the dangers of talking to strangers. It also is a great addition to a forest animal unit.

Book Activities

 1. Nature Walk – Take a walk through some nearby woods. Have you child collect different leaves and seeds they find. Listen to the sounds. Look for tracks.

2. Writing Activity – Have you child draw a picture of a forest. Have them put some of the animals from Denver Crosses the Creek into their picture. Ask them to write (or dictate) two sentences telling about their picture.

3. Paper Plate Crafts – Find one or two of your favorite animals from the story and use these paper plate craft ideas to make them.

Kabuki Helps Books

Enter the code “Play2learn” at check out for 10% off!

Denver Crosses the Creek

The Cookie Thief

Elephant Blue

One lucky reader will win their very own autographed copy of Denver Crosses the Creek!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Check out yesterday’s book, You Are Special, and tomorrow’s book, Betsy Who Cried Wolf.

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Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book to facilitate this review. All opinions are 100% my own.

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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