Book Activities: The Recess Queen #BookaDayinMay

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This is my seventeenth children’s book activities post in our new #BookaDayinMay Instagram Challenge that I’m doing with my blogging buddies at and

Book Activities: The Recess Queen #BookaDayinMay | Play 2 Learn with Sarah

The Recess Queen

The Recess Queen by Alexis O’Neill is a story about a little girl named Mean Jean. Mean Jean rules the playground and no one does anything without her doing it first. But one day a new, very tiny, little girl moves into their class and she doesn’t know the playground rule. Mean Jean doesn’t like it one bit, but the new little girl, Katie Sue, doesn’t care.

The Recess Queen is a great way to introduce the topic of bullies and bullying.

Book Activities

 1. Writing Activity – Have your child draw a picture of something mean Mean Jean did. Then have them write(or dictate) one sentence about how it was mean and one sentence about what she should have done.

2. Rhyme Hunt – There are lots of rhyming words in this book. Reread the book looking for rhyming pairs. You could also try this Paint Chip Word Family activity from Life with Moore Babies for more fun with words.

3. Tattling vs Telling – Kids have a hard time telling the difference between when they should and shouldn’t tell an adult about something. This printable will help you start the discussion between what’s tattling and what’s telling. Ask you child if he/she thinks that the other kids should have told on Mean Jean and why.

Books Illustrated by Laura Huliska-Beith

The Recess Queen

The Goodnight Train

Little Red Hot

10 Little Ladybugs

#BookaDayinMay Instagram Challenge | Sylvester and the Magic Pebble

Check out yesterday’s book, The Little Red Hen Makes a Pizza, and tomorrow’s book, Harvesting Hope.

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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