Book Activities: Tomas and the Library Lady #BookaDayinMay

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This is my twenty-second children’s book activities post in our #BookaDayinMay Instagram Challenge that I’m doing with my blogging buddies at and

Book Activities: Tomas and the Library Lady #BookaDayinMay | Play2 Learn with Sarah

Tomas and the Library Lady

Tomas and the Library Lady by Pat Mora holds a special place in my heart. In 2006, I started working in AISD and was part of a grant program where there were reading coaches that received intensive training by master trainers. I was one of those coaches and this book was one of the very first full lessons we got to observe one of our master trainers teach a group of kids. She was amazing, the kids were amazing and this book became one of my all time favorites. A few years ago, my trainer passed away suddenly, but every time I read this book I remember the bright star and brilliant mind that was Kathleen.

Tomas and the Library Lady is based on the real life events of Tomas Rivera. Tomas was the son of migrant workers. His grandfather used to tell the children stories while his parent worked in the fields. One day Tomas wandered into town and found the library. The librarian gave him some water and chose some books for him. She even checked them out in her name so he could take them home. He would take them back and read them to his family. This librarian encouraged this young boy to read…and he later became the first Hispanic Chancellor in the University of California system.

Book Activities

1. Field Trip – Take your child to the library and let them explore. If they don’t have their own library card yet, get them one. Show all the fun things a library has to offer…and maybe time it right to go to story time too.

2. Writing Activity – Ask your child to draw a picture from their favorite book. Then have them write, or dictate, two sentences telling what their favorite book is and why.

3. Map Activity – Get out, or print, a map of the United States. Show your child where Texas is and where Iowa is. Talk about how far that is. Make a list of some things you could do in the car to amuse yourself on such a long ride. Talk about where you live and where some of your family lives.

Books by Pat Mora

Tomas and the Library Lady

A Library for Juana

The Rainbow Tulip

#BookaDayinMay Instagram Challenge | Sylvester and the Magic Pebble

Check out yesterday’s book, The True Story of the Three Little Pigs, and tomorrow’s book, Over in the Garden.

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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