Books and Activities for President’s Day for Kids

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I know our kids will be off school here in central Texas so I thought I’d try to give you some books and activities to use for President’s Day for kids.

Did you know that President’s Day was meant as only a celebration of George Washington’s birthday, but these days many people celebrate both Washington and Abraham Lincoln because they both had birthdays in February? The following books and activities will help kids learn more about George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and just the idea of what a president is in general.

President's Day for Kids


President’s Day Activities

Enchanted Learning – This page has a ton of crafts and activities for elementary aged kids.

Crystal and Co – She has a list of 10 activities that she says are good for ages 2-12.

Fun with George & Abe – This is a free printable perfect for K-1 students from Julie Shope on her Teachers Pay Teachers shop.

President’s Day Bingo – Just like bingo but with Presidents!

Also be sure to check out my President’s Day Pinterest board for more ideas! I have tons more ideas there and I will continue to add to it!


Books and Activities for President's Day for Kids

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Tons of more books about President’s Day here!

Do you talk about President’s Day with your kids or just enjoy the day off?

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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