Break Pal: Fitness at Your Desk

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No time to exercise!

Since starting this blog (and a few others), I’ve been spending MASSIVE amounts of time at the computer.

My right arm has bouts of pain…especially the little pinky finger…and I’ve noticed that my “fitness” level has dropped.

I’m trying really hard to make my blogs community resources, but that takes lots of time.

Break Pal: Fitness at Your Desk

So where does exercise fit in?

Last month I was contacted to do a review for a program called Break Pal….and since their tagline is “fitness at your desk” I thought this might be just what I was looking for.

You start by setting a web-based timer for how ever long you want in between exercises (15, 30, 45 or 60 min).

Then throughout the day it will pop up at those intervals and ask you to choose an exercise.

Break Pal: Fitness at Your Desk

You click on the exercise you want (choosing from Yoga, Cardio Kung Fu, Chi Gung or Misc).

Then a little 1.5 – 2 minute video pops up to lead you through the exercises. And if you set the intervals right…you could actually have completed a whole 45 min of exercises by the end of your work day!

Check out this video to see an example of an exercise…


You can sign up for Break Pal for free but, there is an upgraded pricing plan if you want access to all the benefits of the program though.

I have really enjoyed being “forced” to take a break and get the blood pumping again.

Although I can see how it might be a bit embarrassing for people in a “cube farm,” it’s perfect for those of us that work from home! Or if you get a few people in your office to do it together…it might be a fun break for everyone.

Check out Break Pal…and get moving!

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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