Brielle and Me: One Mother’s Journey into Special Needs Parenting

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Imagine never hearing your child’s voice or taking her to get her driver’s license or watching her walk down the aisle. My friend, and new author, Kerith Stull doesn’t have to imagine it, she lives it every day.

In Kerith’s new memoir, Brielle and Me, she opens the doors to her life and lets you walk with her as she navigates the devastating effects of a common virus, CMV; watches as her child falls farther and farther behind her peers; lives with the realities of special needs parenting; and most importantly shares the amazing bond of mother and child.

Brielle And Me: One Mother's Journey into Special Needs Parenting


 A Mother’s Journey into Special Needs Parenting

For many mothers, pregnancy is a time of joy mixed with fear, but when you’re faced with not one, but two major illnesses during that time those fears multiply.

For Kerith it wasn’t the chicken pox at 6 weeks pregnant that did the irreparable damage to her unborn daughter, Brielle, but the CMV (cytomegalovirus) whose effects were discovered at 8 months pregnant.

Despite the odds, Brielle was born happy and healthy, but within months they would discover the catastrophic effects.

Kerith shares how they struggled as a family to function with their new reality. She talks honestly about the difficulties, and successes, of working with various therapists and teachers through the years as well as the anxiety of moving often and having to start over with each new school’s treatment plan.

This account of special needs parenting is really just an amazing tale of one heroic girl and the lioness that protected her and helped her to reach her full potential.

Brielle and Me Special Needs Parenting

I must admit, this story is more than just an inspiring tale to me…this is part of my heart. I met this family when Brielle was just 5 years old. I was her teacher, tutor and friend. I saw them every week (if not every day) for the 5 years they lived in Texas. Kerith was one of my best friends and in my wedding!

Click here to get a copy of this amazing book!

Brielle and Me Special Needs Parenting

Update 5/6/2015 – 

Brielle is getting ready to graduate from high school. I’m so amazed by all they’ve done and overcome over the years. She has a very full life. She loves music and her dog and guinea pig. She has a job, participates in sports activities and friends and will start into more specific job training next year.

What about this story appeals to you?

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Disclosure: I received a free copy of this book, but all opinions are 100% my own.

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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