Maddi’s 1st Care Package to China

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Care Package to China

Trying to decide what to put in Maddi’s first care package to China was actually quite nerve wracking for me.

I’ve read a few things that say that they may or may not give the things to the intended child. And if they do give them to them, it’s sometimes not until just before you pick them up.

Maddi is in an amazing facility. I learn more and more each day about her orphanage and everything I’m finding shows that she is getting the ultimate level of care.

And this picture and video that I shared last week, show that she seems happy and healthy too!

So I decided to send a small care package with a few gifts for her, the other children and the nannies.

Our Care Package

Disposable camera: We sent a disposable camera in hopes that they will take pictures and give this back to me when I go to China to pick her up. I’m also waiting to hear from someone that is connected with the orphanage who will be able to gather all the photos they have taken of her of her entire time there. I’m super excited about that and hope it works out!

Photo Album: I included a baby sized photo album. I put her picture and name on the front so they could identify it easily as hers, but also thinking she may never have seen herself in a picture. I put some of our recent family photos of all four of us. A picture of the boys together on one side and then a picture of her on the other side to show that she is part of this family. And a picture of the dogs and the house.

Taggie Blanket: I wanted to include a little lovie for her. Both of my boys attached to blankets around 1 yr old and they still sleep with them. We have bought her a blanket, but I don’t want to send it and take the chance of not getting it (or wanting) it back. So I bought 2 of these little taggie blankets. I will take the other with me to China in case they don’t return this one.

Recordable star: You may remember my series with John Simmons, author and adoption advocate. He suggested to me that we send something that has my voice so she can begin to be familiar with it and begin the attachment before actually meeting. I thought this was a GREAT idea, but it was a bit hard to do. I found this little recordable star at a local Hallmark. You can only record Twinkle, Twinkle (not my best singing on that song), but I did it and hopefully she won’t cry when she hears it.

For the other children: We sent Dum-Dums for the other kids so they get something too.

For the Nannies: We decided that sending the nannies some candies was a good idea to say thank you for caring for Maddi…also it might help ensure that she gets the things we sent.

We were also instructed to include our Pre-Approval paper and a letter in both Chinese and English explaining the care package.

I mailed it last Thursday through the local USPS office. I chose to mail 3-5 day express delivery which estimates it will arrive on Thursday. I did delivery confirmation, but they told me that that will only tell me when it leaves the US.

So we all just need to keep our fingers crossed that it gets to her.

And if we’re really lucky…they’ll send some pictures of her with her box to the agency so we see she got it!

Now…what should I include in next month’s care package?

P2L Signature

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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