My First Day Alone with 3 Kids

Tuesday was my first day alone with them. Luckily my mom stayed a few extra days after we got home from China and then my husband took a few days off. So my first official day as "Mom of 3" didn't...

Testing, Testing & More Testing

I took this picture of Maddi on Friday afternoon around 4pm in the waiting room of the radiology dept after she'd been undergoing test after test since about 9am. Let's back up a bit. Chinese...

Happy Halloween!

Here in central Texas we can't really carve our pumpkins until the day before Halloween. Luckily Daddy stayed home to take Grandma Betty to the airport and to start getting Maddi comfortable with...

Learning English?

The last two days I've managed to get a bow in her hair and distract her enough to keep it there for longer and longer periods of time! She's not a fan of the dogs, but Sophie is a little calmer...

We Made It Home!

It was a seriously LONG trip home, but we made it. We had three flights to get home. She did really well on the first 7:30am. Then we got to Shanghai and got on our 12 hour flight to...