Charlie the Ranch Dog

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The boys and I decided to stop at Barnes & Noble this morning to see what we could find. As soon as we walked in, we found Mickey Mouse and Dora books with 12 little figures attached to them.  The boys had to have them. Then we headed to the children’s section to read some books…which as you can imagine was a giant flop because they had what they wanted and were ready to go! did find a cute book called Charlie the Ranch Dog. Charlie is a Basset Hound (that kind of looks like, and definitely act like, our Beagle). Charlie is the narrator and he tries to tell the reader about his life on the ranch and all the things that he does…making himself sound pretty important.  When actually pretty much all that Charlie does is sleep. At one point, he even takes a nap and wakes up to find that he’s alone on the ranch! But in the end, Charlie really does save the day…kind of.

It’s a really cute little book and after we finished reading it we discovered that the author is actually well known in the blogging realm…it’s the Pioneer Woman! So not only did we find a cute, new book to read, but maybe I can find a good recipe for dinner from the same inspiration! Score!

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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