China Here I Come – We’ve Been Matched!

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We've Been Matched!

I can’t really give you much more info until China officially approves it, but…




I got a call last Wednesday afternoon from the agency asking if we’d like to look at a file….of course, we said yes!

Her need wasn’t what we expected (many of the children have cleft lip/palate), so we spent the evening researching.

By the next afternoon, we both felt sure that we would be able to care for her and that she was indeed THE ONE.

We submitted the paperwork…and now we wait for Pre-Approval.

There’s a hitch already though…China’s adoption department is closed for the next week to update and switch over their computer systems.

So, we’re already pushed back a week, but that’s ok….we know what she looks like now and that will give us a little extra time to come up with just the right name for her.

There is still a LOT of paperwork and red tape that needs to be sorted through, but hopefully I will go to China in October or November to get her!

You can read about our journey to and through adoption here.

Check back in the next week or two and hopefully we’ll have more news to share!

P2L Signature

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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