Cooking with Lavender

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Lavender is one of my very favorite smells. It smells so clean, fresh and relaxing to me. But lavender isn’t just a great scent, it can be fun to cook with as well.

You can add it to drinks, baked goods and even dinner recipes! So lets’ get cooking with lavender!

Cooking with Lavender - Recipes for drinks, desserts and everything in between

Cooking with Lavender

Before we jump into the recipes, I want to mention a few things:

  1. Food Grade Lavender: If you are going to use lavender buds, make sure you get food grade lavender. You will also want to check the bag and make sure that you removed any “extras” and just use the buds. You can make a simple syrup and then just use that to add to drinks and recipes. You can also just use a food processor to mix release the oils from the buds into butter and just strain the buds out so it’s not chewy.
  2. Be careful with Essential Oils: Using essential oils in cooking is a LOT easier, but they are very potent. Again, you must be careful with the brand you are using. I only use Young Living and just one drop. But it can be very overwhelming when cooking with it so generally I make my own lavender extract so I can control it.


Lavender Basil Lemonade 

Lavender Lemonade

Lavender Lemon Soda

Lavender Mojito

Blueberry Lavender Lemonade


Lavender Salad Dressing

Honey White Wine Lavender Vinegrette

Fruit Salad with Lemon Lavender Syrup


Honey Lemon Lavender Roasted Chicken

White Chocolate Lavender Mashed Potatoes

Lavender and Honey Glazed Chicken

Lavender Pork Chops


Honey Lavender Ice Cream

Lemon and Lavender Meringue Cookies

Lavender Chocolate Truffles

Chocolate Coconut Ice Cream with Lavender Infused Oil

Honey Lemon Lavender Cupcakes

Lavender Lemon Poppyseed Muffins

I hope this helps you see that lavender can be used for more than just making your house smell good (although I also use it to help keep colds away)!

What’s your favorite way of cooking with lavender?

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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