If you know me, then you know that I LOVE to get crafty! I’m always trying something new with my Silhouette Cameo or painting something or paper crafts.
I am not one to let my kids get crafty (so I just claim that they don’t like it). It makes a mess! They whine and we all get upset! Honestly I think we all have a bit too much perfectionist in us to not have it turn out the way we see it in our heads…but in reality I just don’t want to clean up the mess after the storm.
The teacher side of my brain knows that crafts are a great way to let kids explore different mediums and try new things out in a fun way. They help them develop eye hand coordination and improve fine motor skills as well as offer a creative outlet. So I promise, here publically, that I will try HARD in 2013 to incorporate one craft activity into my kids’ week.
Now, where will I look for ideas? Pinterest, of course!
#1… Growing a Jeweled Rose…she lists 100 craft materials she found at the Dollar Tree. She also lists some activities that she’s done with her kids and how she stores some of her supplies.
#2…Hippie Housewife…paint in a bag + taped to the table = NO MESS That’s a win in my book so I’m definitely doing this one!
#3…Toddler Toddler has lots of ideas for all seasons
#4…Found some kits on Amazon called Alex Eco Crafts (and lots of other craft boxes)…sounds right up our alley and with everything you need right there in the box…couldn’t be too messy, right?
Do you have any other suggestions or great resources for craft activities?
Wish me luck…and check back to see if a) I’ve actually followed through on my promise and b) we all survive!