DIY Gift Idea: Mother’s Day Teapot

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Personally, I think Mother’s Day can be kind of a tricky holiday.

On one hand, it’s kind of just a made up day (and usually just a few weeks before my birthday), but on the other hand…I’m a mom now and I think it’s a great idea to celebrate me!

On the giving side of things…I tend to really suck at the timing of mailing presents. I don’t know what my problem is, but I hate to go to the post office and mail things (fair warning if you’re expecting something from me).

This year I found a really cute DIY gift idea and had the kids paint this Mother’s Day teapot set.

Mother's Day Teapot - The perfect DIY gift idea.

Mother’s Day Teapot Set

I admit, I’m not only bad about mailing things, I’m also bad about letting my kids do things that are messy! It causes me to be super stressed out…but I do try sometimes.

I came across this cute Mother’s Day teapot idea while browsing World Market…which I hadn’t been in in a long time and ended up spending an hour just walking around!

For Maddi’s 3rd birthday we had planned to do a tea party, but we had to cancel, twice, due to illnesses.

I thought this would be a cute idea for the kids to paint for me to keep as a Mother’s Day gift…but they keep calling it “Maddi’s tea set” so I think I’m not going to get to keep it.

Mother's Day Teapot - The perfect DIY gift idea.

Last Saturday I manned up and put down some newspaper on the table and let them have at it.

I had tried to think of cute ideas to do (like finger prints or flowers or something) but I knew that would just stress us all out trying to make it perfect.

I let them each choose different pieces of the set and what ever colors they wanted. (I tried to convince them NOT to paint inside the cups, but as you can see, Maddi didn’t listen…big surprise there.)

After they painted it, I just put it in the oven for 25 min and then let it cool for an hour after that. Super easy!

They keep begging to use them for a tea party…guess I need to get to washing them!

You can order your own Mother’s Day teapot here. 

Do you prefer to make or buy Mother’s Day presents?

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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