DIY Hair Bow Holder

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Maddi is becoming a total girly-girl. She loves shoes and clothes and bows! It’s crazy how much!

I remember getting her paperwork on the bus the day before I met her and it said, “Loves to be complimented on her clothes.” I thought, “What? She’s 19 months old. That’s silly and not possible!”

BOY…was I wrong!

Every morning when I get her dressed she has to say, “Pretty!” about the dress. Then we go into the bathroom to do her hair and I have to lift her up so she can look in the mirror to see her bow. My wallet is already cringing!

She’s started to amass quite the bow collection and they were just all over the place. I made a quick DIY hair bow holder so we’d have some place to display them so she could choose one easier each morning.

DIY Hair Bow Holder | Play 2 Learn with Sarah


DIY Hair Bow Holder

Maddi has grown so much that her initial hair bows look really small on her head. So last week I took her to Sam Moon and let her loose in the bow aisle (yes…there’s a whole aisle).

DIY Hair Bow Holder |Play 2 Learn with Sarah

So now we have at least 25 hair bows and they’re getting so big (we do live in TX so she needs BIG bows) that we have to dig through the pile to find the one we’re looking for each day.

I remembered having seen a few of these hair bow holders at various craft fairs over the years and thought…”I can totally do that!”

So off we went to Hobby Lobby! (Plus they open at 9am so it’s a good place to let her run after dropping Evan off at school.)

DIY Hair Bow Holder | Play 2 Learn with Sarah

I bought a cute sign. I had my husband use his staple gun to staple two strands of large ribbon on. Then I used my Silhouette to cut some letters and stuck them on!

Super easy and serves the purpose perfectly!

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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